I knew I would have to work myself slowly up to seeing the the damn hole. I took small, incremental steps. After watching several documentaries and downloading every song from itunes that had the word Grand Canyon in the title, I was finally ready for an excursion to a smaller version of nature's wonders. As luck would have it I had two instances that would prepare me for my showdown. In one instance I sold so much Enfamil in a years time that the company paid me to go the island of Kauai where I was able to visit Waiema Canyon, which is otherwise known as "The Grand Canyon of the Pacific.
A separate yet equally unique opportunity arose just after Aubree and I became betrothed. We went with her family to Yellowstone National Park on a snowmobile adventure. To this day I still believe this was her families last ditch effort to stop the wedding due to, one my lack of a job and two her questionable choices in dating. (Does a certain Mr. Lasco ring a bell?) On this trip I was able to view the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone. I also saw an angry buffalo try to trample one of my soon to be sister in laws. I will leave it up to the individual reader to determine what the highlight of the trip was. The word bison or ta-tonka still causes certain people to break out into cold sweats.

After viewing the Freshman and JV version's of the Grand Canyon I decided that 2011 would be the year that I would face the music. A less experienced canyoneer would have been nervous to take a 2, 4, and 6 year old to the edge of such a massive abyss. But I am not an amateur, I am an Eagle Scout. The only real danger I foresaw was for myself. Would Aubree take the opportunity to collect on my life insurance policy and ensure that no one find out about the aforementioned rope tying incident? Only time will tell.
I knew things were going to be rough when we encountered a bunch of 4th graders from Flagstaff Elementary. Rather than letting me lead the youth group on a tour and explaining that the Grand Canyon was created by President Obama as part of his stimulus and shovel ready job program. Aubree insisted that we as a family watch the visitor center movie, "The Making of The Grand Canyon" everyone enjoyed it except for one. When I asked Avenlee what she thought of the film she replied, "This is the most blatant piece of tree hugging, environmentalist propaganda, since An Inconvenient Truth. I refuse to watch such filth and allow my innocence to be lost. Can I watch Backyardigans?" I am still amazed at that 2 year old's vocabulary.
The boy's opinion was decidedly different, even though the theatre didn't have popcorn.
As luck would have it Ruth, (from Grand Canyon of the Pacific) and what seemed like her entire extended family arrived on a Greyhound bus shortly before we did. They agreed to take a photo of us. Notice how my left arm is strategically behind Aubree? If you look closely you can almost see the disappointment in her eye's as she realizes that not only are there to many witnesses, but I have a firm grip on her belt, which makes a quick elbow to my solar plexus out of the question. I am on the verge of gloating because once again I have out smarted my wife.
My excitement was short lived. Aubree had a back up plan. Aubree sent Ruth's family away and insisted on taking a photo of just me. Aubree failed to realize that I still had a trick or two up my sleeve as well. Rather than standing alone on the edge of a cliff and making her life easy I insisted on having a "boy picture", followed by a "girl picture."
The boy picture took 2 minutes. The girl picture, a little longer. In fact we'd still be taking the girl picture's if I hadn't noticed that Carson and Brenner were nowhere to be found.
Children missing? No problem. If I have learned one thing in my life it is this: My boys can supervise themselves just fine. It's not like they would climb and jump around on snow covered rock's, on the edge of a hole that is more than a mile deep, while reenacting completely with sound effects a fight scene from Iron Man 2 and having a snowball fight.
Fortunately I was able to get to my children before they became an exciting plot for Law and Order SVU.
If Aubree was going to make a move it would have to be soon. At that moment I realized that I should have actually read "The Iliad" in Mrs. Carbine's 11th grade English class. More importantly, I needed to get to my metaphorical ship (my car), and tie myself to my metaphorical mast (my seat belt), otherwise my metaphorical Achilles heel (Aubree), would metaphorically hurt me (physically hit me). I'm not proud of what I did, nor am I embarrassed. I did what was necessary. I shoved a Powerbar in one mouth, a Pop Tart in the other grabbed Avee and ran for the car...Why did Aubree insist on holding the keys?